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Pairing Wine With Lobster Rolls

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The lobster roll is a quintessential New England delicacy that has gained popularity worldwide, and for good reason. This deceptively simple sandwich showcases succulent lobster meat served on a toasted, buttered split-top roll. The lobster meat, typically sourced fresh from the Atlantic Ocean, is carefully cooked to perfection, and has a delicate and sweet flavor that is hard to beat. The lobster is often mixed with a light dressing made of mayonnaise, lemon juice, and herbs, enhancing its natural taste without overpowering it. The roll is then generously filled with the luscious lobster mixture, creating a perfect blend of flavors and textures.

When it comes to pairing wine with a lobster roll, a crisp and refreshing white wine is often the go-to choice. White wines will complement the flavor of the lobster meat, while the acidity will cut through the richness of the mayo. Red wines should generally be avoided with lobster. The tannins in red wine tend to clash with the iodine in lobster and leave you with an unpleasant, metallic aftertaste. However, if you insist on red, choose something light with little tannin.

Wine Characteristics To Pair With Lobster Rolls

White Wine Characteristics

Characteristic Detail
Acidity High
Tannins Low
Fruitiness Medium – high
Spiciness Low
Body Light – Medium

Red Wine Characteristics

Characteristic Detail
Acidity High
Tannins Low
Fruitiness Medium – high
Spiciness Low
Body Light 

Best White Wine to Pair with Lobster Rolls


An unoaked or lightly oaked Chardonnay brings vibrant acidity and refreshing citrus to complement the flavors of the lobster roll.   


This acidic white from Spain brings bold acidity and light citrus flavor to the pairing. The acidity is a great pairing with the richness of the mayo.

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is known for its bright acidity, but it also has an herbaceous quality that would be a lovely match to the citrus notes of the sandwich.


A dry Riesling offers fruity notes that balance the buttery flavor of the roll, but is light enough to not overpower the lobster meat itself. 


Rosé, with its fruity, berry notes bring a surprisingly fresh twist to the lobster roll pairing. Choose a sparkling version for added refreshness. 

Best Red Wine to Pair with Lobster Rolls

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir pairs well with a plethora of foods. It has decent acidity and a fruit forward profile that should complement the sandwich without overwhelming.


This red wine is higher in acidity and light in tannins. It could be a safe option for a lobster roll pairing that won’t clash with the lobster.

Best Wine to Drink with Lobster Rolls

White wines are the best option for lobster roll pairing. The have the acidity and citrus to best complement the sandwich  

  • Chardonnay
  • Verdejo
  • Sauvignon Blanc
  • Riesling