Reviews can be very subjective and can also be very misleading. When we review wines, wineries and different winery experiences, we try to provide context around our reviews based on the value. A wine that costs $25 may not taste as good as a $100 bottle of wine. But for that price difference, the $100 bottle of wine needs heads and shoulders above far less expensive bottles.
The same goes for wineries. A winery may not have the best wine produced in a region, but the atmosphere, price, specific events, quality of the host and a whole slew of other variables may impact the review.
Personal preference always plays a huge role into reviewing things as well. Just because we enjoyed a specific bottle doesn’t mean someone else will. With those factors in mind, we try to help people find the best values out there.
We hope people can use our information and reviews to make up their own minds on what will allow them to have the best experience possible, based on their own budget and personal preferences.
Showing 25–30 of 30 results

The Signature Cabernet/Shiraz Blend 2001
I always get a kick out of Australian wine names and labels. They seem to have a lot of fun with them. Take for instance the “Dead Arm Shiraz” or the Laughing Magpie. Both are very serious wines, with names … Read More

Tobin James Winery Review
About Tobin James Cellars Tobin James started when a local grape harvested was giving away 6 tons of extra Zinfandel grapes. The young Tobin “Toby” James, who was an assistant winemaker at the time, saw an opportunity to make his … Read More

Vina Robles Fore Estate Reserve Blend 2017 Review
Overall this wine is fantastic. I drank the first glass using a wine aerator on the first night. It was very solid, but not spectacular. The next day, my wife joined me for a glass and it really opened up. … Read More

Vina Robles Winery Review
About Vina Robles Winery The first vineyard planted in 1997 and Vina Robles was established in 1998 by Hans Nef. Unfortunately, Hans tragically passed away in 2019, but his family continues his legacy and dream of creating world-class wines. Currently … Read More

Wine Squirrel Wine Preserving Decanter Review
The Wine Squirrel Wine Preserving Decanter is a simple yet effective decanter to help your red or white wine last longer! Simply pour the wine into the decanter, then put the plunger and seal onto the top of the wine … Read More

WinePro2 Proactive Decanter & Preservation System Review
The Wine Pro2 Proactive Decanter & Preservation System is a very unique wine accessory that is perfect for any red wine drinker. It has a very sleek and durable design that looks great on a kitchen countertop or at the … Read More